Invisalign in Cumberland Valley
Invisalign in Cumberland Valley

If you previously wore braces or have naturally straight teeth, it may be alarming to see when your teeth begin to shift out of their usual position.

Thankfully, understanding the common causes can help you know what to expect and discover how you can do with it. With that said, we’ll explain to you the factors that trigger teeth shifting and let you know how Invisalign in Cumberland Valley can help!

What is Teeth Shifting?

Tooth shifting is when your teeth move from their original position in your mouth. This can be due to a number of different reasons, some of which are more common than others.

In most cases, tooth shifting is a gradual process that happens over time. However, there are also instances where it can happen suddenly.

Here are some of the known factors that lead to a person’s teeth moving or shifting for their usual position.

#1 – Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the primary causes of tooth shifting. When you have gum disease, it means that your gums are inflamed. This inflammation can cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, which then leads to your teeth becoming loose and eventually shifting out of place.

If you suspect that you may have gum disease, it’s important to see your dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to assess the situation and let you know if you need to undergo treatment.

In most cases, gum disease is treatable with a special cleaning called scaling and root planing. This is a deep cleaning that gets rid of the tartar and plaque that has built up on your teeth and gums. In severe cases, you may also need to take medication or undergo surgery.

#2 – Aging

Aging is another common cause of teeth shifting. As we get older, our bones start to lose density and our gums begin to recede. This can cause our teeth to become loose and eventually shift out of place.

#3 – Eating Certain Foods

Eating certain foods can also lead to teeth shifting. This is because some foods are more acidic than others and can cause your enamel to weaken over time. If you eat a lot of acidic foods, it’s important to make sure that you’re brushing your teeth regularly and using mouthwash to protect your enamel.

In addition, chewing on hard foods can also lead to teeth shifting. This is because it puts a lot of pressure on your teeth and can cause them to become loose over time.

#4 – Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth

If you tend to clench or grind your teeth, it’s important to be aware that this can also lead to teeth shifting. This is because the constant pressure can cause your teeth to become loose and eventually shift out of place.

Bruxism, as it’s called, is a condition that affects millions of people. If you think you may be grinding or clenching your teeth, it’s important to see your dentist so they can help you find a solution. In some cases, they may recommend that you wear a mouth guard at night.

#5 – Trauma to the Mouth

Trauma to the mouth means any kind of injury to your mouth or jaw, whether it’s from a car accident, a fall, or even a punch to the face.

If you experience trauma to your mouth, it’s also possible for your teeth to shift. This is because the impact can cause your teeth to become loose and eventually fall out or shift out of place.

#6 – Using Tobacco Products

If you use tobacco products, it’s also possible for your teeth to shift. This is because tobacco can cause your gums to become inflamed and eventually pull away from your teeth. In addition, tobacco can also cause your enamel to erode and make your teeth more susceptible to shifting.

If you want to protect your teeth from shifting, it’s important to quit using tobacco products. This is one of the best things you can do for your oral health.

How Can Invisalign Prevent Teeth Shifting?

Invisalign in Cumberland Valley

If you’re worried about your teeth shifting, Invisalign in Cumberland Valley can help. Invisalign is a clear aligner system that gradually moves your teeth into their proper position.

In addition, Invisalign also helps to prevent tooth shifting. This is because the aligners put pressure on your teeth and hold them in place. This pressure helps to keep your teeth from becoming loose and eventually shifting out of place.

In cases that your teeth have already shifted, Invisalign in Cumberland Valley can also help to correct the problem. The aligners can be used to move your teeth back into their proper position and prevent them from shifting again in the future.

Aside from Invisalign, other orthodontic treatments such as braces can also help to prevent teeth shifting. The cost of braces in Harrisburg and Cumberland Valley areas ranges from $2000 to $6000 while Invisalign costs around $4500 on average.

Invisalign in Cumberland Valley

Looking for a provider of Invisalign in Cumberland Valley? Look no further than Hilton Diminick Orthodontics. We house orthodontists in Cumberland Valley who are premier providers of Invisalign and can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Dr. Edward Hilton, Dr. Kenneth Diminick, and Dr. Joseph Diminick are our Invisalign doctors who have been helping patients achieve straighter teeth for many. They are highly experienced orthodontists in Mechanicsburg area and Cumberland Valley and will work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs.

We have three locations in Camphill, Harrisburg, and Carlisle PA.

To learn more about Invisalign for adults or teens, or to schedule a consultation, contact Hilton Diminick Orthodontics today. You can also reach out to us if you’re looking to get braces in Cumberland Valley area.