How to clean Invisalign: Importance of Proper Care
How to clean Invisalign

Every Invisalign patient has been briefed that they’ll be given sets of aligners that they have to wear every two weeks. This lets other patients neglect properly taking care of their trays. However, our orthodontist in Harrisburg is here to discuss how important it is to take good care and how to clean Invisalign aligners. So, keep reading ahead!

The Significance of Invisalign Care

Food particles come with bacteria, and they can get stuck in between the bracket and wires of braces. Orthodontists recommend patients who wear braces refrain from eating specific foods such as nuts and caramel as they can also potentially damage the structure of braces.

This is why a lot of individuals find Invisalign very appealing compared to traditional braces. However, food can still cause problems for patients with Invisalign if they don’t follow the steps to take care of them properly. Here are the reasons why it’s important to care for your Invisalign aligners.

Bad breath. 

Saliva can rinse away any odor or food particles from teeth naturally. Invisalign trays have this barrier, so the saliva can’t do its job. If the food particles aren’t removed from the aligners, then it will cause bad breath eventually.


Every Invisalign patient knows that they need to remove their aligners before eating and drinking. If the aligners are present while the wearer is drinking red wine or coffee, or eating saucy foods or something similar, then stains can get left behind. Instead of the aligners being clear, they may appear brown or yellow, which defeats the purpose of a discreet approach to teeth straightening.

Bacteria buildup. 

Neglecting to clean aligners and teeth can lead to bacteria and germs dwelling inside your mouth.


Bacteria inside the mouth can produce plaque. Even though Invisalign does not cause cavities, if you wear trays with plaque present and neglect it for so long, this can form cavities in the long run.

Gum irritation. 

If you wear your aligners without cleaning them, it can irritate gum tissue which can possibly lead to gum disease or gingivitis.

How to clean Invisalign

How to Clean Invisalign: The Dos

There is a proper way how to clean Invisalign in Harrisburg. Here are the steps you need to follow to ensure your aligners are free from dirt.

#1 – Always rinse your aligners when you remove them.

Ensure that you rinse your aligners every time you remove them in order to prevent dry saliva and plaque from accumulating. It’s best to avoid creating an environment where bacteria can easily grow. You may use clear anti-bacterial soap to clean your trays. Additionally, using a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush the trays can remove some of the plaque.

#2 – Soak your aligners every day.

The most optimal way to ensure that your Invisalign aligners are as clean as possible is to sake them in water with either cleaning crystals or a denture cleaner. Once they finish soaking, use a spare toothbrush that you don’t use for your teeth and brush off any excess food particles or plaque. Then, rinse the aligners thoroughly before wearing them again.

#3 – Always brush and floss your teeth before putting the trays back in.

If you wear your aligners again and there are still food particles stuck in between your teeth, you’re trapping them inside the trays, which leads to cavities and other dental concerns. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth before you put them back in, no exceptions.

How to Clean Invisalign: The Don’ts

Now that you know the dos of cleaning your Invisalign trays, here are the things you must absolutely do. Doing these can damage not only your aligners but even your teeth.

#1 – Don’t eat or drink while wearing your Invisalign aligners.

Drinking water while wearing your Invisalign aligners is fine, but other than that, it’s an absolute must to remove them. Additionally, the aligners are not built for chewing and can get damaged if you eat while wearing them regularly.

Not just that, but eating with the aligners can make it easier for food particles to get trapped between your teeth. The food and drink can even stain the aligners. Make sure you aren’t wearing your trays before you eat your meal.

#2 – Don’t use toothpaste to clean your aligners.

It’s called toothpaste for a reason, and they’re for your teeth. Using it on your aligners can damage and cause discoloration to them. Toothpaste contains ingredients that can be abrasive to the aligners, making them more noticeable when its purpose is to be a discreet way of straightening teeth.

#3 – Don’t use scented or colored soaps.

Not only can it potentially stain your aligners, but using scented or colored soap can give the aligners an unpleasant taste when you wear them again. It can definitely ruin your appetite.

#4 – Don’t keep your trays out in the open when you aren’t wearing them.

Putting your trays out in the open can result in bacteria buildup and increases the chance of you losing them. Place them inside the case and keep them with you every time. If you accidentally leave them out for some time, be sure to rinse and soak them before you wear them again.

How To Clean Invisalign Aligners?

You have to clean your Invisalign aligners every day when you brush and floss your teeth. This ensures that any food particles, bacteria, or debris stuck inside your teeth will be removed. Furthermore, if you accidentally drink something and it ends up staining the aligners, it’s important that you clean them immediately.

Make it a habit to clean your Invisalign aligners regularly, even if you’re only going to wear each set every two weeks. Neglecting proper Invisalign care will result in discolored and stained trays, and it can also cause bad breath. It can also expose your teeth to bacteria buildup.


And there you have it. Understanding the importance of Invisalign care motivates patients to improve their cleaning routines. If you want your Invisalign treatment to be effective and give you your dream smile, you have to take good care of them.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding how to clean Invisalign in general, do not hesitate to contact us, and we’ll be more than eager to assist with your needs!