Child Orthodontics In Harrisburg | HD Ortho

Early Intervention for Healthy, Confident Smiles

Early orthodontic care can address a range of issues that, if left untreated, may become more challenging to correct as your child grows. At Hilton-Diminick Orthodontics, we understand the importance of your child’s dental health and well-being. Our pediatric orthodontist Harrisburg PA team provides early intervention and care, ensuring a lifetime of healthy smiles for your child.

Why See a Pediatric Orthodontist?

Pediatric orthodontists are specialists who focus on the unique needs of children’s dental development. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children have their first orthodontic consultation by the age of seven. This is a crucial age because it’s when a child’s primary (baby) teeth are mostly gone and their adult teeth are beginning to emerge.

By visiting a pediatric orthodontist early, you can stay ahead of any potential growth issues and plan the best course of action for your child’s dental health. At Hilton-Diminick Orthodontics, our team of experts will work with you to build a happy, healthy, and sustainable smile for your child.

Why Early Intervention Matters

Prevent Progression
Identifying and addressing dental issues early can halt their progression. This can spare your child from more complex and challenging treatments later on.

Enhanced Treatment Options
At a young age, a child’s dental structure is still developing. Early intervention allows for more treatment options and flexibility, leading to better results.

Improved Oral Function
Correcting orthodontic problems early, such as overbites or underbites, can enhance your child’s ability to chew, speak, and maintain proper oral hygiene.

Habit Correction
Early orthodontic care can address detrimental habits like thumb sucking, which can impact tooth and jaw development. Nipping them in the bud is easier and more effective.

Optimal Growth
Pediatric orthodontists can guide your child’s teeth and jaw growth to ensure they align properly with the rest of their facial features, promoting facial symmetry.

Boost Confidence
A healthy, well-aligned smile can significantly boost your child’s self-esteem and confidence, setting the stage for positive social interactions and self-assurance.

What Our Pediatric Orthodontists Do

  • Interceptive Therapy – Addressing orthodontic issues as soon as they are detected
  • Partial Treatment – In some cases, only specific aspects of orthodontic care may be required.
  • Growth Modification – Experts in guiding the growth of your child’s teeth and jaws
  • Early Intervention – Preventing more extensive and invasive procedures in the future
  • Treatment with Compassion – creating a welcoming and friendly environment for young ones

By choosing Hilton-Diminick Orthodontics for your child’s orthodontic care, you’re making a proactive investment in their dental health and overall well-being. We’re here to support your child on their journey to a healthy and confident smile.

Two-Phase Treatment Explained

Two-phase treatment is an approach employed by pediatric orthodontists to address orthodontic issues in two distinct stages. This method is particularly beneficial for certain cases and can lead to more comprehensive and effective results. 

This phase typically begins around the age of eight or nine, but it may vary depending on your child’s unique needs. Treatment options during Phase 1 may include braces, fixed appliances, removable appliances, or a combination of these.

Phase 1 treatment typically lasts for 10-14 months and focuses on addressing specific orthodontic concerns. By starting treatment during the early years, Phase 1 can create space for permanent teeth and help guide their emergence.

Phase 2 generally starts in the preteen years, typically between ages 11-12. This phase can last anywhere from 12-20 months and involves additional appliances and treatments.

The goal of Phase 2 is to further refine your child’s smile, ensuring it develops naturally and aligns perfectly. It builds on the progress made during Phase 1, allowing for a comprehensive orthodontic solution.

Signs Your Child May Require Orthodontic Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children have their first orthodontic check-up no later than age seven. Early check-ups with our pediatric orthodontist Harrisburg PA are essential for identifying potential dental issues and ensuring timely intervention. Below are some of the signs an orthodontist may likely recommend early treatment: 

Early or Late Loss of Baby Teeth
Losing baby teeth too early or too late can lead to problems with permanent tooth development.

Difficulty Chewing or Biting
Painful chewing or biting can indicate orthodontic issues that should be addressed.

Mouth Breathing
Orthodontic problems can develop as a result of chronic mouth breathing. 

Jaws Shifting or Clicking
Shifting of the lower jaw due to a bite problem can result in jaw pain and other dental issues.

Cheek Biting
Normally, the upper teeth’s outer cusps keep the cheeks away from the lower chewing surfaces. 

Facial Imbalance
How the lips, chin, and other facial features look can be affected by teeth and jaw alignment. 

If you notice any of these signs or if you have concerns about your child’s dental development, it’s essential to seek an evaluation from a pediatric orthodontist promptly. Waiting until your child reaches age seven is not necessary, especially if you observe any of these issues.

Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatments for Kids

We understand that every child is unique, and their orthodontic needs may vary. At Hilton-Diminick Orthodontics, we offer a variety of treatment choices, ensuring that parents and children have the power to seek the best treatment option for their specific situation.

Invisalign First
Invisalign First is a modern and discreet orthodontic solution designed specifically for children.

These clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them an excellent choice for kids who prefer a more inconspicuous treatment.

Invisalign First is a comfortable and convenient option, allowing your child to enjoy their favorite foods without restrictions.

Traditional Braces
Traditional braces have been a trusted orthodontic solution for decades. They are highly effective in correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, including complex cases.

Our team at Hilton-Diminick Orthodontics offers a personalized and comfortable experience for children who opt for traditional braces.

Clarity Braces
Clarity braces combine the effectiveness of traditional braces with enhanced aesthetics. These ceramic braces are designed to blend in with your child’s teeth, offering a more subtle appearance.

Clarity braces allow children to express their individuality by choosing colored elastics, making orthodontic treatment a fun experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will orthodontic treatment be uncomfortable for my child?

Orthodontic treatment may cause some discomfort, particularly during the adjustment periods. However, our team strives to make the experience as comfortable as possible. We will provide guidance on managing any discomfort that may arise.

How long does orthodontic treatment typically last for children?

The duration of treatment varies depending on the complexity of your child’s orthodontic issues. Treatment can range from several months to a few years. Our orthodontic team will provide a personalized estimate based on your child’s needs.

Can my child continue normal activities and sports during orthodontic treatment?

Yes, in most cases, children can continue their normal activities, including sports, during orthodontic treatment. We will provide guidelines on protecting their braces or aligners while participating in physical activities.

Is orthodontic treatment covered by insurance, and do you offer payment options?

Many dental insurance plans offer coverage for orthodontic treatment. Our team will assist you in understanding your insurance benefits. We also offer flexible payment plans to make treatment more accessible for families.

Take the First Step Towards Your Child’s Healthy Smile

Ready to get started on your child’s orthodontic journey? At Hilton-Diminick Orthodontics, we make it easy for you to take the first step:

  • Free Initial Exam: Your child’s first orthodontic exam is on us! We offer a complimentary initial appointment to assess their dental health and determine if treatment is needed.
  • Complimentary Kids Program: When immediate treatment isn’t necessary, children can enroll in our complimentary kids program. We’ll monitor their growth and development, ensuring that treatment begins at the right time.